DTS Application Library  0.2.3
Application library containing referenced objects and interfaces to common libraries
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File List
Here is a list of all files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
| \*socket.cEcho server using 1 server and 2 clients
 |\*dtsapp.hDTS Application library API Include file
 o*config.cINI style config file interface
 o*curl.cCURL Interface
 o*fileutil.cFile utilities to test files (fstat)
 o*interface.cWrapper arround Linux libnetlink for managing network interfaces
 o*iputil.cIPv4 And IPv6 Utiliies
 o*libxml2.cXML Interface
 o*libxslt.cXSLT Interface
 o*lookup3.cBy Bob Jenkins, May 2006, Public Domain
 o*main.cApplication framework
 o*nf_ctrack.cLinux Netfilter Connection Tracking
 o*nf_queue.cLinux netfilter queue interface
 o*openldap.cOpenldap/SASL Implementation
 o*radius.cSimple radius client implementation
 o*refobj.cReferenced Lockable Objects
 o*rfc6296.cImplementation of RFC6296
 o*socket.cAllocate and initialise a socket for use as a client or server
 o*sslutil.cTLSv1 SSLv2 SSLv3 DTLSv1 support
 o*thread.cFunctions for starting and managing threads
 o*unixsock.cAttach a thread to a unix socket start a new thread on connect
 o*util.cUtilities commonly used
 o*winiface.cppVarious routines for supporting Windows also requires C++
 \*zlib.cSimplified implementation of zlib functions