DTS Application Library  0.2.3
Application library containing referenced objects and interfaces to common libraries
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dtsapp.h File Reference

DTS Application library API Include file. More...

#include <signal.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <linux/un.h>

Go to the source code of this file.

Data Structures

union  sockstruct
 Socket union describing all address types. More...
struct  fwsocket
 Socket data structure. More...
struct  config_entry
 Configuration category entry. More...
struct  zobj
 Zlib buffer used for compression and decompression. More...
struct  ifinfo
 Data structure containing interface information. More...
struct  framework_core
 Application framework data. More...
struct  xml_attr
 XML attribute name value pair. More...
struct  xml_node
 Reference to a XML Node. More...
struct  ldap_rdn
 LDAP Relative distingushed name linked list. More...
struct  ldap_attrval
 LDAP attribute value. More...
struct  ldap_attr
 LDAP attirbute. More...
struct  ldap_entry
 LDAP entry. More...
struct  ldap_results
 LDAP results. More...
struct  basic_auth
 Basic authentification structure. More...
struct  curlbuf
 Buffer containing the result of a curl transaction. More...


#define RAD_AUTH_HDR_LEN   20
 Authentification header length. More...
#define RAD_AUTH_PACKET_LEN   4096
 Auth packet length. More...
#define RAD_AUTH_TOKEN_LEN   16
 Auth token length. More...
#define RAD_MAX_PASS_LEN   128
 Auth max password length. More...
#define RAD_ATTR_USER_NAME   1 /*string*/
 Radius attribute username. More...
#define RAD_ATTR_USER_PASSWORD   2 /*passwd*/
 Radius attribute password. More...
#define RAD_ATTR_NAS_IP_ADDR   4 /*ip*/
 Radius attribute server IP. More...
#define RAD_ATTR_NAS_PORT   5 /*int*/
 Radius attribute server port. More...
#define RAD_ATTR_SERVICE_TYPE   6 /*int*/
 Radius attribute service type. More...
#define RAD_ATTR_ACCTID   44
 Radius attribute account id. More...
#define RAD_ATTR_PORT_TYPE   61 /*int*/
 Radius attribute port type. More...
#define RAD_ATTR_EAP   79 /*oct*/
 Radius attribute EAP. More...
#define RAD_ATTR_MESSAGE   80 /*oct*/
 Radius attribute message. More...
#define JHASH_INITVAL   0xdeadbeef
 Default init value for hash functioneaster egg copied from <linux/jhash.h> More...
#define jenhash(key, length, initval)   hashlittle(key, length, (initval) ? initval : JHASH_INITVAL);
 Define jenhash as hashlittle on big endian it should be hashbig. More...
#define clearflag(obj, flag)
 Atomically clear a flag in the flags field of a referenced object. More...
#define setflag(obj, flag)
 Atomically set a flag in the flags field of a referenced object. More...
#define testflag(obj, flag)   (objlock(obj) | (obj->flags & flag) | objunlock(obj))
 Atomically test a flag in the flags field of a referenced object. More...
#define FRAMEWORK_MAIN(progname, name, email, www, year, runfile, flags, sighfunc)
 A macro to replace main() with initilization and daemonization code. More...
#define ALLOC_CONST(const_var, val)
 Macro to assign values to char const. More...
#define DTS_OJBREF_CLASS(classtype)
 Add this macro to a C++ class to add refobj support. More...


typedef struct ssldata ssldata
 Forward decleration of structure. More...
typedef struct natmap natmap
 Forward decleration of structure. More...
typedef struct radius_packet radius_packet
 Forward decleration of structure. More...
typedef struct nfq_queue nfq_queue
 Forward decleration of structure. More...
typedef struct nfq_data nfq_data
 Forward decleration of structure. More...
typedef struct nfct_struct nfct_struct
 Forward decleration of structure. More...
typedef struct nfqnl_msg_packet_hdr nfqnl_msg_packet_hdr
 Forward decleration of structure. More...
typedef int(* frameworkfunc )(int, char **)
 Framework callback function. More...
typedef void(* syssighandler )(int, siginfo_t *, void *)
 Callback to user supplied signal handler. More...
typedef void(* threadcleanup )(void *)
 Function called after thread termination. More...
typedef void *(* threadfunc )(void *)
 Thread function. More...
typedef int(* threadsighandler )(int, void *)
 Thread signal handler function. More...
typedef void(* socketrecv )(struct fwsocket *, void *)
 Callback function to register with a socket that will be called when there is data available. More...
typedef void(* objdestroy )(void *)
 Callback used to clean data of a reference object when it is to be freed. More...
typedef int32_t(* blisthash )(const void *, int)
 Callback used to calculate the hash of a structure. More...
typedef void(* blist_cb )(void *, void *)
 This callback is run on each entry in a list. More...
typedef void(* config_filecb )(struct bucket_list *, const char *, const char *)
 Calback used when processing config files. More...
typedef void(* config_catcb )(struct bucket_list *, const char *)
 Calback used when processing a category. More...
typedef void(* config_entrycb )(const char *, const char *)
 Callback used when processing a entry. More...
typedef uint32_t(* nfqueue_cb )(struct nfq_data *, struct nfqnl_msg_packet_hdr *, char *, uint32_t, void *, uint32_t *, void **)
typedef void(* radius_cb )(struct radius_packet *, void *)
 Callback to call when response arrives. More...
typedef struct xml_node xml_node
 Forward decleration of structure. More...
typedef struct xml_search xml_search
 Forward decleration of structure. More...
typedef struct xml_doc xml_doc
 Forward decleration of structure. More...
typedef struct xslt_doc xslt_doc
 Forward decleration of structure. More...
typedef struct ldap_conn ldap_conn
 Forward decleration of structure. More...
typedef struct ldap_modify ldap_modify
 Forward decleration of structure. More...
typedef struct ldap_add ldap_add
 Forward decleration of structure. More...
typedef struct curl_post curl_post
 Forward decleration of structure. More...
typedef struct basic_auth *(* curl_authcb )(const char *, const char *, void *)
 Callback to set the authentification ie on error 401. More...
typedef int(* curl_progress_func )(void *, double, double, double, double)
 CURL callback function called when there is progress (CURLOPT_PROGRESSFUNCTION). More...
typedef void(* curl_progress_pause )(void *, int)
 Callback function to control the progress bar. More...
typedef void *(* curl_progress_newdata )(void *)
 Create a new progress data structure. More...


enum  sock_flags {
  SOCK_FLAG_BIND = 1 << 0, SOCK_FLAG_CLOSE = 1 << 1, SOCK_FLAG_SSL = 1 << 2, SOCK_FLAG_UNIX = 1 << 3,
  SOCK_FLAG_MCAST = 1 << 4
 Socket flags controling a socket. More...
enum  thread_option_flags { THREAD_OPTION_CANCEL = 1 << 0, THREAD_OPTION_JOINABLE = 1 << 1, THREAD_OPTION_RETURN = 1 << 2 }
 Options supplied to framework_mkthread all defaults are unset. More...
enum  framework_flags { FRAMEWORK_FLAG_DAEMON = 1 << 0, FRAMEWORK_FLAG_NOGNU = 1 << 1, FRAMEWORK_FLAG_DAEMONLOCK = 1 << 2 }
 Application control flags. More...
 Radius packet codes. More...
 SSL connection requirements. More...
 LDAP attribute types. More...


void framework_mkcore (char *progname, char *name, char *email, char *web, int year, char *runfile, int flags, syssighandler sigfunc)
 Initilise application data structure and return a reference. More...
int framework_init (int argc, char *argv[], frameworkfunc callback)
 Initilise the application daemonise and join the manager thread. More...
void printgnu (const char *pname, int year, const char *dev, const char *email, const char *www)
 Print a brief GNU copyright notice on console. More...
void daemonize ()
 Daemonise the application using fork/exit. More...
int lockpidfile (const char *runfile)
 Lock the run file in the framework application info. More...
struct thread_pvtframework_mkthread (threadfunc, threadcleanup, threadsighandler, void *data, int flags)
 create a thread result must be unreferenced More...
struct fwsocketunixsocket_server (const char *sock, int protocol, int mask, socketrecv read, void *data)
 Create and run UNIX server socket thread. More...
struct fwsocketunixsocket_client (const char *sock, int protocol, socketrecv read, void *data)
 Create a client thread on the socket. More...
int framework_threadok (void)
 let threads check there status. More...
int startthreads (void)
 Initialise the threadlist and start manager thread. More...
void stopthreads (int join)
 Signal manager to stop and cancel all running threads. More...
int thread_signal (int sig)
 Handle signal if its for me. More...
int objlock (void *data)
 Lock the reference. More...
int objtrylock (void *data)
 Try lock a reference. More...
int objunlock (void *data)
 Unlock a reference. More...
int objcnt (void *data)
 Return current reference count. More...
int objsize (void *data)
 Size requested for data. More...
int objunref (void *data)
 Drop reference held. More...
int objref (void *data)
 Reference a object. More...
void * objalloc (int size, objdestroy)
 Allocate a referenced lockable object. More...
void * objchar (const char *orig)
 Return a reference to copy of a buffer. More...
void * create_bucketlist (int bitmask, blisthash hash_function)
int addtobucket (struct bucket_list *blist, void *data)
 Add a reference to the bucketlist. More...
void remove_bucket_item (struct bucket_list *blist, void *data)
 Remove and unreference a item from the list. More...
int bucket_list_cnt (struct bucket_list *blist)
 Return number of items in the list. More...
void * bucket_list_find_key (struct bucket_list *list, const void *key)
 Find and return a reference to a item matching supplied key. More...
void bucketlist_callback (struct bucket_list *blist, blist_cb callback, void *data2)
 Run a callback function on all items in the list. More...
struct bucket_loopinit_bucket_loop (struct bucket_list *blist)
 Create a bucket list iterator to safely iterate the list. More...
void * next_bucket_loop (struct bucket_loop *bloop)
 Return a reference to the next item in the list this could be the first item. More...
void remove_bucket_loop (struct bucket_loop *bloop)
 Safely remove a item from a list while iterating in a loop. More...
uint32_t hashlittle (const void *key, size_t length, uint32_t initval)
 hash a variable-length key into a 32-bit value (Little Endian) More...
void seedrand (void)
 Seed openssl random number generator. More...
int genrand (void *buf, int len)
 Generate random sequence. More...
void sha512sum (unsigned char *buff, const void *data, unsigned long len)
 Calculate the SHA2-512 hash. More...
void sha256sum (unsigned char *buff, const void *data, unsigned long len)
 Calculate the SHA2-256 hash. More...
void sha1sum (unsigned char *buff, const void *data, unsigned long len)
 Calculate the SHA1 hash. More...
void md5sum (unsigned char *buff, const void *data, unsigned long len)
 Calculate the MD5 hash. More...
void sha512sum2 (unsigned char *buff, const void *data, unsigned long len, const void *data2, unsigned long len2)
 Calculate the SHA2-512 hash accross 2 data chunks. More...
void sha256sum2 (unsigned char *buff, const void *data, unsigned long len, const void *data2, unsigned long len2)
 Calculate the SHA2-256 hash accross 2 data chunks. More...
void sha1sum2 (unsigned char *buff, const void *data, unsigned long len, const void *data2, unsigned long len2)
 Calculate the SHA1 hash accross 2 data chunks. More...
void md5sum2 (unsigned char *buff, const void *data, unsigned long len, const void *data2, unsigned long len2)
 Calculate the MD5 hash accross 2 data chunks. More...
int sha512cmp (unsigned char *digest1, unsigned char *digest2)
 Compare two SHA2-512 hashes. More...
int sha256cmp (unsigned char *digest1, unsigned char *digest2)
 Compare two SHA2-256 hashes. More...
int sha1cmp (unsigned char *digest1, unsigned char *digest2)
 Compare two SHA1 hashes. More...
int md5cmp (unsigned char *digest1, unsigned char *digest2)
 Compare two md5 hashes. More...
void sha512hmac (unsigned char *buff, const void *data, unsigned long len, const void *key, unsigned long klen)
 Hash Message Authentication Codes (HMAC) SHA2-512. More...
void sha256hmac (unsigned char *buff, const void *data, unsigned long len, const void *key, unsigned long klen)
 Hash Message Authentication Codes (HMAC) SHA2-256. More...
void sha1hmac (unsigned char *buff, const void *data, unsigned long len, const void *key, unsigned long klen)
 Hash Message Authentication Codes (HMAC) SHA1. More...
void md5hmac (unsigned char *buff, const void *data, unsigned long len, const void *key, unsigned long klen)
 Hash Message Authentication Codes (HMAC) MD5. More...
int strlenzero (const char *str)
 Check if a string is zero length. More...
char * ltrim (char *str)
 Trim white space at the begining of a string. More...
char * rtrim (const char *str)
 Trim white space at the end of a string. More...
char * trim (const char *str)
 Trim whitesapce from the beggining and end of a string. More...
uint64_t tvtontp64 (struct timeval *tv)
 Convert a timeval struct to 64bit NTP time. More...
uint16_t checksum (const void *data, int len)
 Obtain the checksum for a buffer. More...
uint16_t checksum_add (const uint16_t checksum, const void *data, int len)
 Obtain the checksum for a buffer adding a checksum. More...
uint16_t verifysum (const void *data, int len, const uint16_t check)
 Verify a checksum. More...
struct zobjzcompress (uint8_t *buff, uint16_t len, uint8_t level)
 Allocate a buffer and return it with compressed data. More...
void zuncompress (struct zobj *buff, uint8_t *obuff)
 Uncompress zobj buffer to buffer. More...
uint8_t * gzinflatebuf (uint8_t *buf_in, int buf_size, uint32_t *len)
 Ungzip a buffer. More...
int is_gzip (uint8_t *buf, int buf_size)
 check a buffer if it contains gzip magic More...
void touch (const char *filename, uid_t user, gid_t group)
 Create a file and set user and group. More...
char * b64enc (const char *message, int nonl)
 Base 64 encode a string. More...
char * b64enc_buf (const char *message, uint32_t len, int nonl)
 Base 64 encode a buffer. More...
struct fwsocketmake_socket (int family, int type, int proto, void *ssl)
 Allocate a socket structure and return reference. More...
struct fwsocketaccept_socket (struct fwsocket *sock)
 Create and return a socket structure from accept() More...
struct fwsocketsockconnect (int family, int stype, int proto, const char *ipaddr, const char *port, void *ssl)
 Generic client socket. More...
struct fwsocketudpconnect (const char *ipaddr, const char *port, void *ssl)
 UDP Socket client. More...
struct fwsockettcpconnect (const char *ipaddr, const char *port, void *ssl)
 TCP Socket client. More...
struct fwsocketsockbind (int family, int stype, int proto, const char *ipaddr, const char *port, void *ssl, int backlog)
 Generic server socket. More...
struct fwsocketudpbind (const char *ipaddr, const char *port, void *ssl)
 UDP server socket. More...
struct fwsockettcpbind (const char *ipaddr, const char *port, void *ssl, int backlog)
 Generic server socket. More...
void close_socket (struct fwsocket *sock)
 Mark the socket for closure and release the reference. More...
int score_ipv4 (struct sockaddr_in *sa4, char *ipaddr, int iplen)
 Return a score for a IPv4 addrress. More...
int score_ipv6 (struct sockaddr_in6 *sa6, char *ipaddr, int iplen)
 Return a score for a IPv6 addrress. More...
int inet_lookup (int family, const char *host, void *addr, socklen_t len)
 Perform DNS lookup on a host/ip retun the IP address. More...
void socketclient (struct fwsocket *sock, void *data, socketrecv read, threadcleanup cleanup)
 Create a server thread with a socket that has been created with sockbind udpbind or tcpbind. More...
void socketserver (struct fwsocket *sock, socketrecv connectfunc, socketrecv acceptfunc, threadcleanup cleanup, void *data)
 Create a server thread with a socket that has been created with sockbind udpbind or tcpbind. More...
struct fwsocketmcast_socket (const char *iface, int family, const char *mcastip, const char *port, int flags)
 Create a multicast socket. More...
const char * sockaddr2ip (union sockstruct *addr, char *buf, int len)
 Return the ip address of a sockstruct addr. More...
int checkipv6mask (const char *ipaddr, const char *network, uint8_t bits)
 Check if ipaddr is in a network. More...
void ipv4tcpchecksum (uint8_t *pkt)
 Update the TCP checksum of a IPv4 packet. More...
void ipv4udpchecksum (uint8_t *pkt)
 Update the UDP checksum of a IPv4 packet. More...
void ipv4icmpchecksum (uint8_t *pkt)
 Set the checksup of a IPv4 ICMP packet. More...
void ipv4checksum (uint8_t *pkt)
 Set the checksup of a IPv4 Packet. More...
int packetchecksumv4 (uint8_t *pkt)
 Update the checksum of a IPv4 packet. More...
int packetchecksumv6 (uint8_t *pkt)
 Prototype to check checksup on packet. More...
int packetchecksum (uint8_t *pkt)
 Generic IPv4 and IPv6 Checksum. More...
void rfc6296_map (struct natmap *map, struct in6_addr *ipaddr, int out)
 Lookup and process a NAT transform as per RFC 6296. More...
int rfc6296_map_add (char *intaddr, char *extaddr)
 Calculate and add a NAT map. More...
const char * cidrtosn (int bitlen, char *buf, int size)
 Return the dotted quad notation subnet mask from a CIDR. More...
const char * getnetaddr (const char *ipaddr, int cidr, char *buf, int size)
 Return the network address. More...
const char * getbcaddr (const char *ipaddr, int cidr, char *buf, int size)
 Return broadcast address. More...
const char * getfirstaddr (const char *ipaddr, int cidr, char *buf, int size)
 Get the first usable address. More...
const char * getlastaddr (const char *ipaddr, int cidr, char *buf, int size)
 Get the last usable address. More...
uint32_t cidrcnt (int bitlen)
 Return the number of IP addresses in a given bitmask. More...
int reservedip (const char *ipaddr)
 Check IP against list of reserved IP's. More...
char * ipv6to4prefix (const char *ipaddr)
 Return IPv6 to IPv4 Prefix fot the address. More...
int check_ipv4 (const char *ip, int cidr, const char *test)
 Check if a IP address is in a network. More...
void mcast4_ip (struct in_addr *addr)
 Randomally assign a SSM Multicast address. More...
void mcast6_ip (struct in6_addr *addr)
 Randomally assign a SSM Multicast address.param addr Ip address structure to fill out. More...
struct nfq_queuenfqueue_attach (uint16_t pf, uint16_t num, uint8_t mode, uint32_t range, nfqueue_cb cb, void *data)
uint16_t snprintf_pkt (struct nfq_data *tb, struct nfqnl_msg_packet_hdr *ph, uint8_t *pkt, char *buff, uint16_t len)
struct nf_conntrack * nf_ctrack_buildct (uint8_t *pkt)
uint8_t nf_ctrack_delete (uint8_t *pkt)
uint8_t nf_ctrack_nat (uint8_t *pkt, uint32_t addr, uint16_t port, uint8_t dnat)
void nf_ctrack_dump (void)
struct nfct_structnf_ctrack_trace (void)
void nf_ctrack_endtrace (struct nfct_struct *nfct)
uint8_t nf_ctrack_init (void)
void nf_ctrack_close (void)
int delete_kernvlan (char *ifname, int vid)
 Delete a VLAN. More...
int create_kernvlan (char *ifname, unsigned short vid)
 Create a VLAN on a interface. More...
int delete_kernmac (char *macdev)
 Delete Kernel MAC VLAN. More...
int create_kernmac (char *ifname, char *macdev, unsigned char *mac)
 Create a kernal MAC VLAN. More...
int interface_bind (char *iface, int protocol)
 Bind to device fd may be a existing socket. More...
void randhwaddr (unsigned char *addr)
 create random MAC address More...
int create_tun (const char *ifname, const unsigned char *hwaddr, int flags)
 Create a tunnel device. More...
int ifrename (const char *oldname, const char *newname)
 Rename interface helper. More...
int ifdown (const char *ifname, int flags)
 Set interface down. More...
int ifup (const char *ifname, int flags)
 Set interface up. More...
int ifhwaddr (const char *ifname, unsigned char *hwaddr)
 Get MAC addr for interface. More...
int set_interface_flags (int ifindex, int set, int clear)
 Alter interface flags. More...
int get_iface_index (const char *ifname)
 Get the netlink interface for a named interface. More...
int set_interface_addr (int ifindex, const unsigned char *hwaddr)
 Set interface MAC addr. More...
int set_interface_name (int ifindex, const char *name)
 Rename interface. More...
int set_interface_ipaddr (char *ifname, char *ipaddr)
 Set IP addr on interface. More...
int get_ip6_addrprefix (const char *iface, unsigned char *prefix)
 Generate Unique Local IPv6 Unicast Addresses RFC 4193. More...
void eui48to64 (unsigned char *mac48, unsigned char *eui64)
 Generate IPv6 address from mac address. More...
void closenetlink (void)
 Close netlink socket on application termination. More...
const char * get_ifipaddr (const char *iface, int family)
 Find best IP adress for a interface. More...
void addradattrint (struct radius_packet *packet, char type, unsigned int val)
 Add a integer attribute too the packet. More...
void addradattrip (struct radius_packet *packet, char type, char *ipaddr)
 Add a integer attribute too the packet. More...
void addradattrstr (struct radius_packet *packet, char type, char *str)
 Add a integer attribute too the packet. More...
struct radius_packetnew_radpacket (unsigned char code)
 Create a new radius packet. More...
int send_radpacket (struct radius_packet *packet, const char *userpass, radius_cb read_cb, void *cb_data)
 Send radius packet. More...
void add_radserver (const char *ipaddr, const char *auth, const char *acct, const char *secret, int timeout)
 Add new radius server to list of servers. More...
unsigned char * radius_attr_first (struct radius_packet *packet)
 Return first packet attribute. More...
unsigned char * radius_attr_next (struct radius_packet *packet, unsigned char *attr)
 Return next packet attribute. More...
void sslstartup (void)
 Initialise SSL support this should be called at startup. More...
void * tlsv1_init (const char *cacert, const char *cert, const char *key, int verify)
 Create a SSL structure for TLSv1. More...
void * sslv2_init (const char *cacert, const char *cert, const char *key, int verify)
 Create a SSL structure for SSLv2 (If available) More...
void * sslv3_init (const char *cacert, const char *cert, const char *key, int verify)
 Create a SSL structure for SSLv3. More...
void * dtlsv1_init (const char *cacert, const char *cert, const char *key, int verify)
 Create a SSL structure for DTLSv1. More...
int socketread (struct fwsocket *sock, void *buf, int num)
 Read from a socket into a buffer. More...
int socketwrite (struct fwsocket *sock, const void *buf, int num)
 Write a buffer to a socket. More...
int socketread_d (struct fwsocket *sock, void *buf, int num, union sockstruct *addr)
 Read from a socket into a buffer. More...
int socketwrite_d (struct fwsocket *sock, const void *buf, int num, union sockstruct *addr)
 Write a buffer to a socket. More...
void ssl_shutdown (void *ssl, int sock)
 Shutdown the SSL connection. More...
void tlsaccept (struct fwsocket *sock, struct ssldata *orig)
 Create SSL session for new connection. More...
struct fwsocketdtls_listenssl (struct fwsocket *sock)
 Implementation of "listen" for DTLSv1. More...
void startsslclient (struct fwsocket *sock)
 Start SSL on a client socket. More...
void unrefconfigfiles (void)
 Empty out and unreference config files. More...
int process_config (const char *configname, const char *configfile)
 Process a configfile into buckets. More...
struct bucket_loopget_category_loop (const char *configname)
 Return a bucket loop to allow iterating over categories. More...
struct bucket_listget_category_next (struct bucket_loop *cloop, char *name, int len)
 Iterate through categories returning the entries bucket. More...
struct bucket_listget_config_category (const char *configname, const char *category)
 Return a single category. More...
struct config_entryget_config_entry (struct bucket_list *categories, const char *item)
 Find the entry in a config file. More...
void config_file_callback (config_filecb file_cb)
 Callback wrapper to iterate over all configfiles calling a callback on each file. More...
void config_cat_callback (struct bucket_list *categories, config_catcb entry_cb)
 Callback wrapper that iterates through categories calling a callback on each category. More...
void config_entry_callback (struct bucket_list *entries, config_entrycb entry_cb)
 Callback Wraper that iterates through all items calling a callback for each item. More...
struct xml_docxml_loaddoc (const char *docfile, int validate)
 Load a XML file into XML document and return reference. More...
struct xml_docxml_loadbuf (const uint8_t *buffer, uint32_t len, int validate)
 Load a buffer into XML document returning refereence. More...
struct xml_nodexml_getfirstnode (struct xml_search *xpsearch, void **iter)
 Return reference to the first node optionally creating a iterator. More...
struct xml_nodexml_getnextnode (void *iter)
 Return the next node. More...
struct bucket_listxml_getnodes (struct xml_search *xpsearch)
 Return reference to bucket list containing nodes. More...
struct xml_searchxml_xpath (struct xml_doc *xmldata, const char *xpath, const char *attrkey)
 Return a reference to a xpath search result. More...
int xml_nodecount (struct xml_search *xsearch)
 Return the number of nodes in the search path. More...
struct xml_nodexml_getnode (struct xml_search *xsearch, const char *key)
 Return a node in the search matching key. More...
const char * xml_getattr (struct xml_node *xnode, const char *attr)
 Return value of attribute. More...
void xml_modify (struct xml_doc *xmldoc, struct xml_node *xnode, const char *value)
 Modify a XML node. More...
void xml_setattr (struct xml_doc *xmldoc, struct xml_node *xnode, const char *name, const char *value)
 Modify a XML node attribute. More...
struct xml_nodexml_addnode (struct xml_doc *xmldoc, const char *xpath, const char *name, const char *value, const char *attrkey, const char *keyval)
 Append a node to a path. More...
void xml_appendnode (struct xml_doc *xmldoc, const char *xpath, struct xml_node *child)
 Append a node to a path. More...
void xml_unlink (struct xml_node *xnode)
 Unlink a node from the document. More...
void xml_delete (struct xml_node *xnode)
 Delete a node from document it is not unrefd and should be. More...
char * xml_getbuffer (void *buffer)
 Return the buffer of a xml_buffer structure. More...
void * xml_doctobuffer (struct xml_doc *xmldoc)
 Return a dump of a XML document. More...
const char * xml_getrootname (struct xml_doc *xmldoc)
 Return the name of the root node. More...
struct xml_nodexml_getrootnode (struct xml_doc *xmldoc)
 Return reference to the root node. More...
void xml_savefile (struct xml_doc *xmldoc, const char *file, int format, int compress)
 Save XML document to a file. More...
void xml_createpath (struct xml_doc *xmldoc, const char *xpath)
 Create a path in XML document. More...
void xml_init ()
 Initialise/Reference the XML library. More...
void xml_close ()
 Unreference the XML library. More...
struct xslt_docxslt_open (const char *xsltfile)
 Open a XSLT file returning reference to it. More...
void xslt_addparam (struct xslt_doc *xsltdoc, const char *param, const char *value)
 Add a parameter to the XSLT document. More...
void xslt_apply (struct xml_doc *xmldoc, struct xslt_doc *xsltdoc, const char *filename, int comp)
 Apply XSLT document to a XML document. More...
void * xslt_apply_buffer (struct xml_doc *xmldoc, struct xslt_doc *xsltdoc)
 Apply XSLT document to a XML document returning result in buffer. More...
void xslt_init ()
 Reference the XSLT parser. More...
void xslt_close ()
 Release reference to XSLT parser. More...
struct ldap_connldap_connect (const char *uri, enum ldap_starttls starttls, int timelimit, int limit, int debug, int *err)
 Connect to a LDAP server. More...
int ldap_simplebind (struct ldap_conn *ld, const char *dn, const char *passwd)
 Bind to the connection with simple bind requireing a distingushed name and password. More...
int ldap_saslbind (struct ldap_conn *ld, const char *mech, const char *realm, const char *authcid, const char *passwd, const char *authzid)
 Bind to the server with SASL. More...
int ldap_simplerebind (struct ldap_conn *ld, const char *initialdn, const char *initialpw, const char *base, const char *filter, const char *uidrdn, const char *uid, const char *passwd)
 Bind to LDAP connection using rebind. More...
const char * ldap_errmsg (int res)
 Return LDAP error for a ldap error. More...
struct ldap_resultsldap_search_sub (struct ldap_conn *ld, const char *base, const char *filter, int b64enc, int *res,...)
 Search LDAP connection subtree. More...
struct ldap_resultsldap_search_one (struct ldap_conn *ld, const char *base, const char *filter, int b64enc, int *res,...)
 Search LDAP connection one level. More...
struct ldap_resultsldap_search_base (struct ldap_conn *ld, const char *base, const char *filter, int b64enc, int *res,...)
 Search LDAP connection base. More...
void ldap_unref_entry (struct ldap_results *results, struct ldap_entry *entry)
 Remove a entry from a result. More...
void ldap_unref_attr (struct ldap_entry *entry, struct ldap_attr *attr)
 Remove a attribute from a entry. More...
struct ldap_entryldap_getentry (struct ldap_results *results, const char *dn)
 Find and return the entry from the results for a specific dn. More...
struct ldap_attrldap_getattr (struct ldap_entry *entry, const char *attr)
 Find and return attribute in a entry. More...
struct ldap_modifyldap_modifyinit (const char *dn)
 Create a modification reference for a DN. More...
int ldap_mod_del (struct ldap_modify *lmod, const char *attr,...)
 Delete values from a attribute. More...
int ldap_mod_add (struct ldap_modify *lmod, const char *attr,...)
 Add values to a attribute. More...
int ldap_mod_rep (struct ldap_modify *lmod, const char *attr,...)
 Replace a attribute. More...
int ldap_domodify (struct ldap_conn *ld, struct ldap_modify *lmod)
 Apply the modification to the server. More...
int ldap_mod_remattr (struct ldap_conn *ldap, const char *dn, const char *attr)
 Delete a attribute from a DN. More...
int ldap_mod_delattr (struct ldap_conn *ldap, const char *dn, const char *attr, const char *value)
 Delete a value from a attribute in a DN. More...
int ldap_mod_addattr (struct ldap_conn *ldap, const char *dn, const char *attr, const char *value)
 Add a value for a attribute in a DN. More...
int ldap_mod_repattr (struct ldap_conn *ldap, const char *dn, const char *attr, const char *value)
 Replace the value of a attribute in a DN. More...
int curlinit (void)
 Initilise the CURL library. More...
void curlclose (void)
 Un reference CURL. This is required for each call to curlinit(). More...
struct basic_authcurl_newauth (const char *user, const char *passwd)
 Create a new auth structure with initial vallues. More...
struct curlbufcurl_geturl (const char *def_url, struct basic_auth *bauth, curl_authcb authcb, void *data)
 Fetch the URL using CURL (HTTP GET) More...
void curl_setprogress (curl_progress_func cb, curl_progress_pause p_cb, curl_progress_newdata d_cb, void *data)
 Configure global progress handling. More...
void curl_setauth_cb (curl_authcb auth_cb, void *data)
 Set global password callback. More...
struct curl_postcurl_newpost (void)
 Create a HTTP Post data structure. More...
void curl_postitem (struct curl_post *post, const char *name, const char *item)
 Add a item value pair to post structure. More...
struct curlbufcurl_posturl (const char *def_url, struct basic_auth *bauth, struct curl_post *post, curl_authcb authcb, void *data)
 Fetch the URL using CURL (HTTP POST) More...
struct curlbufcurl_ungzip (struct curlbuf *cbuf)
 If the buffer contains GZIP data uncompress it. More...
struct xml_doccurl_buf2xml (struct curlbuf *cbuf)
 Create a XML document from from buffer (application/xml) More...
char * url_escape (char *url)
 Escape and return the url. More...
char * url_unescape (char *url)
 UN escape and return the url. More...
int is_file (const char *path)
 Determine if a file exists. More...
int is_dir (const char *path)
 Determine if a path is a directory. More...
int is_exec (const char *path)
 Determine if a file is executable. More...
int mk_dir (const char *dir, mode_t mode, uid_t user, gid_t group)
 Create a directory. More...

Detailed Description

DTS Application library API Include file.

The library foremostly implements reference counted objects and hashed bucket lists Referenced Lockable Objects these are then used to implement simpler API's to common tasks.

Key components

INI style config file parser.
CURL wraper with support for GET/POST, authentification and progress indication.
File utilities as a wrapper arround fstat.
IP 4/6 Utilities for calculating / checking subnets and checksuming packets.
Interface API for Linux networking including libnetlink from iproute2
XML/XSLT Simplified API for reading, managing and applying transforms.
Some Application shortcuts and wrapper for main quick and dirty daemon app.
Wrappers for Linux netfilter connection tracking and packet queueing
Basic implementation of RADIUS.
Implementation of RFC 6296.
Thread API using pthreads.
Simple implementation of UNIX Domain socket.
Various Utilities including hashing and checksum.
Z Lib Compression/Uncompression Functions.

Definition in file dtsapp.h.