DTS Application Library  0.2.3
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openldap.c File Reference

Openldap/SASL Implementation. More...

#include <ldap.h>
#include <ldap_schema.h>
#include <lber.h>
#include <sasl/sasl.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include "include/dtsapp.h"

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Data Structures

struct  sasl_defaults
 SASL Paramaters used in authentification. More...
struct  ldap_simple
 LDAP Simple bind. More...
struct  ldap_conn
 LDAP connection. More...
struct  ldap_modify
 LDAP Modify structure. More...
struct  ldap_add
 LDAP Add structure. More...
struct  ldap_modval
 Linked list of mod values. More...
struct  ldap_modreq
 LDAP mod request. More...


struct ldap_connldap_connect (const char *uri, enum ldap_starttls starttls, int timelimit, int limit, int debug, int *err)
 Connect to a LDAP server. More...
int ldap_simplebind (struct ldap_conn *ld, const char *dn, const char *passwd)
 Bind to the connection with simple bind requireing a distingushed name and password. More...
int ldap_simplerebind (struct ldap_conn *ldap, const char *initialdn, const char *initialpw, const char *base, const char *filter, const char *uidrdn, const char *uid, const char *passwd)
 Bind to LDAP connection using rebind. More...
int ldap_saslbind (struct ldap_conn *ld, const char *mech, const char *realm, const char *authcid, const char *passwd, const char *authzid)
 Bind to the server with SASL. More...
const char * ldap_errmsg (int res)
 Return LDAP error for a ldap error. More...
struct ldap_resultsldap_search_sub (struct ldap_conn *ld, const char *base, const char *filter, int b64enc, int *res,...)
 Search LDAP connection subtree. More...
struct ldap_resultsldap_search_one (struct ldap_conn *ld, const char *base, const char *filter, int b64enc, int *res,...)
 Search LDAP connection one level. More...
struct ldap_resultsldap_search_base (struct ldap_conn *ld, const char *base, const char *filter, int b64enc, int *res,...)
 Search LDAP connection base. More...
void ldap_unref_attr (struct ldap_entry *entry, struct ldap_attr *attr)
 Remove a attribute from a entry. More...
void ldap_unref_entry (struct ldap_results *results, struct ldap_entry *entry)
 Remove a entry from a result. More...
struct ldap_entryldap_getentry (struct ldap_results *results, const char *dn)
 Find and return the entry from the results for a specific dn. More...
struct ldap_attrldap_getattr (struct ldap_entry *entry, const char *attr)
 Find and return attribute in a entry. More...
struct ldap_modifyldap_modifyinit (const char *dn)
 Create a modification reference for a DN. More...
int ldap_mod_del (struct ldap_modify *lmod, const char *attr,...)
 Delete values from a attribute. More...
int ldap_mod_add (struct ldap_modify *lmod, const char *attr,...)
 Add values to a attribute. More...
int ldap_mod_rep (struct ldap_modify *lmod, const char *attr,...)
 Replace a attribute. More...
int ldap_domodify (struct ldap_conn *ld, struct ldap_modify *lmod)
 Apply the modification to the server. More...
int ldap_mod_delattr (struct ldap_conn *ldap, const char *dn, const char *attr, const char *value)
 Delete a value from a attribute in a DN. More...
int ldap_mod_remattr (struct ldap_conn *ldap, const char *dn, const char *attr)
 Delete a attribute from a DN. More...
int ldap_mod_addattr (struct ldap_conn *ldap, const char *dn, const char *attr, const char *value)
 Add a value for a attribute in a DN. More...
int ldap_mod_repattr (struct ldap_conn *ldap, const char *dn, const char *attr, const char *value)
 Replace the value of a attribute in a DN. More...
struct ldap_addldap_addinit (const char *dn)
 Create a reference to add a new DN. More...
int ldap_add_attr (struct ldap_add *ladd, const char *attr,...)
 Add a attribute to new DN. More...
int ldap_doadd (struct ldap_conn *ld, struct ldap_add *ladd)
 Write new DN to server. More...

Detailed Description

Openldap/SASL Implementation.

Definition in file openldap.c.