DTS Application Library  0.2.3
Application library containing referenced objects and interfaces to common libraries
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src Directory Reference


directory  include


file  config.c [code]
 INI style config file interface.
file  curl.c [code]
 CURL Interface.
file  fileutil.c [code]
 File utilities to test files (fstat)
file  interface.c [code]
 Wrapper arround Linux libnetlink for managing network interfaces.
file  iputil.c [code]
 IPv4 And IPv6 Utiliies.
file  libxml2.c [code]
 XML Interface.
file  libxslt.c [code]
 XSLT Interface.
file  lookup3.c [code]
 by Bob Jenkins, May 2006, Public Domain.
file  main.c [code]
 Application framework.
file  nf_ctrack.c [code]
 linux Netfilter Connection Tracking
file  nf_queue.c [code]
 Linux netfilter queue interface.
file  openldap.c [code]
 Openldap/SASL Implementation.
file  radius.c [code]
 Simple radius client implementation.
file  refobj.c [code]
 Referenced Lockable Objects.
file  rfc6296.c [code]
 Implementation of RFC6296.
file  socket.c [code]
 Allocate and initialise a socket for use as a client or server.
file  sslutil.c [code]
 TLSv1 SSLv2 SSLv3 DTLSv1 support.
file  thread.c [code]
 Functions for starting and managing threads.
file  unixsock.c [code]
 Attach a thread to a unix socket start a new thread on connect.
file  util.c [code]
 Utilities commonly used.
file  winiface.cpp [code]
 Various routines for supporting Windows also requires C++.
file  zlib.c [code]
 Simplified implementation of zlib functions.