DTS Application Library  0.2.3
Application library containing referenced objects and interfaces to common libraries
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TLSv1 SSLv2 SSLv3 DTLSv1 support. More...

#include <stdint.h>
#include <openssl/ssl.h>
#include <openssl/err.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include "include/dtsapp.h"

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Data Structures

struct  ssldata
 SSL data structure for enabling encryption on sockets. More...


 length of cookie secret using SHA2-256 HMAC More...


enum  SSLFLAGS {
  SSL_TLSV1 = 1 << 0, SSL_SSLV2 = 1 << 1, SSL_SSLV3 = 1 << 2, SSL_DTLSV1 = 1 << 3,
  SSL_CLIENT = 1 << 4, SSL_SERVER = 1 << 5, SSL_DTLSCON = 1 << 6
 SSL configuration flags. More...


void ssl_shutdown (void *data, int sock)
 Shutdown the SSL connection. More...
void * tlsv1_init (const char *cacert, const char *cert, const char *key, int verify)
 Create a SSL structure for TLSv1. More...
void * sslv2_init (const char *cacert, const char *cert, const char *key, int verify)
 Create a SSL structure for SSLv2 (If available) More...
void * sslv3_init (const char *cacert, const char *cert, const char *key, int verify)
 Create a SSL structure for SSLv3. More...
void * dtlsv1_init (const char *cacert, const char *cert, const char *key, int verify)
 Create a SSL structure for DTLSv1. More...
void tlsaccept (struct fwsocket *sock, struct ssldata *orig)
 Create SSL session for new connection. More...
int socketread_d (struct fwsocket *sock, void *buf, int num, union sockstruct *addr)
 Read from a socket into a buffer. More...
int socketread (struct fwsocket *sock, void *buf, int num)
 Read from a socket into a buffer. More...
int socketwrite_d (struct fwsocket *sock, const void *buf, int num, union sockstruct *addr)
 Write a buffer to a socket. More...
int socketwrite (struct fwsocket *sock, const void *buf, int num)
 Write a buffer to a socket. More...
void sslstartup (void)
 Initialise SSL support this should be called at startup. More...
void dtsl_serveropts (struct fwsocket *sock)
 Start up the DTLSv1 Server. More...
struct fwsocketdtls_listenssl (struct fwsocket *sock)
 Implementation of "listen" for DTLSv1. More...
void startsslclient (struct fwsocket *sock)
 Start SSL on a client socket. More...
void dtlstimeout (struct fwsocket *sock, struct timeval *timeleft, int defusec)
 Get DTLSv1 timeout setting todefault timeout. More...
void dtlshandltimeout (struct fwsocket *sock)
 Handle DTLSv1 timeout. More...

Detailed Description

TLSv1 SSLv2 SSLv3 DTLSv1 support.

Definition in file sslutil.c.