DTS Application Library  0.2.3
Application library containing referenced objects and interfaces to common libraries
 All Data Structures Files Functions Variables Typedefs Enumerations Enumerator Groups Pages
Data Structures
Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
oCbasic_authBasic authentification structure
oCblist_objEntry in a bucket list
oCbucket_listBucket list, hold hashed objects in buckets
oCbucket_loopBucket iterator
oCconfig_categoryConfiguration file category
oCconfig_entryConfiguration category entry
oCconfig_fileConfig file
oCcurl_postHTTP post data structure
oCcurlbufBuffer containing the result of a curl transaction
oCframework_coreApplication framework data
oCfwsocketSocket data structure
oCifinfoData structure containing interface information
oCipaddr_reqIP Netlink IP addr request
oCiplink_reqIP Netlink request
oCldap_addLDAP Add structure
oCldap_attrLDAP attirbute
oCldap_attrvalLDAP attribute value
oCldap_connLDAP connection
oCldap_entryLDAP entry
oCldap_modifyLDAP Modify structure
oCldap_modreqLDAP mod request
oCldap_modvalLinked list of mod values
oCldap_rdnLDAP Relative distingushed name linked list
oCldap_resultsLDAP results
oCldap_simpleLDAP Simple bind
oCnatmapRFC6296 Nat map
oCpseudohdrIPv4 header structur to cast a packet too
oCradius_connectionRadius connection
oCradius_packetRadius Packet
oCradius_serverRadius Server
oCradius_sessionRadius session
oCref_objInternal structure of all referenced objects
oCsasl_defaultsSASL Paramaters used in authentification
oCsocket_handlerSocket handling thread data
oCsockstructSocket union describing all address types
oCssldataSSL data structure for enabling encryption on sockets
oCthread_pvtThread struct used to create threads data needs to be first element
oCthreadcontainerGlobal threads data
oCunixclient_sockthreadUnix socket client data structure
oCunixserv_sockthreadUnix socket server data structure
oCxml_attrXML attribute name value pair
oCxml_nodeReference to a XML Node
oCxml_node_iterIterator to traverse nodes in a xpath
oCxml_searchXML xpath search result
oCxslt_docXSLT Document
oCxslt_paramXSLT Parameter name/value pair
\CzobjZlib buffer used for compression and decompression