DTS Application Library  0.2.3
Application library containing referenced objects and interfaces to common libraries
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1 /*
2 Copyright (C) 2012 Gregory Nietsky <gregory@distrotetch.co.za>
3  http://www.distrotech.co.za
5 This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
6 it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
7 the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
8 (at your option) any later version.
10 This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13 GNU General Public License for more details.
15 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
16 along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
17 */
23 #include <stdlib.h>
24 #include <stdint.h>
25 #include <math.h>
26 #include <stdio.h>
27 #include <string.h>
28 #ifndef __WIN32
29 #include <linux/ip.h>
30 #include <linux/icmp.h>
31 #include <linux/tcp.h>
32 #include <linux/udp.h>
33 #include <netdb.h>
34 #else
35 #include <winsock2.h>
36 #include <ws2tcpip.h>
37 #endif
39 #include "include/dtsapp.h"
47 extern int checkipv6mask(const char *ipaddr, const char *network, uint8_t bits) {
48  uint8_t cnt, bytelen, bitlen;
49  uint32_t mask, res = 0;
50  uint32_t *nw = (uint32_t *)network;
51  uint32_t *ip = (uint32_t *)ipaddr;
53  /*calculate significant bytes and bits outside boundry*/
54  if ((bitlen = bits % 32)) {
55  bytelen = (bits - bitlen) / 32;
56  bytelen++;
57  } else {
58  bytelen = bits / 32;
59  }
61  /*end loop on first mismatch do not check last block*/
62  for(cnt = 0; (!res && (cnt < (bytelen - 1))); cnt++) {
63  res += nw[cnt] ^ ip[cnt];
64  }
66  /*process last block if no error sofar*/
67  if (!res) {
68  mask = (bitlen) ? htonl(~((1 << (32 - bitlen)) - 1)) : -1;
69  res += (nw[cnt] & mask) ^ (ip[cnt] & mask);
70  }
72  return (res);
73 }
77 enum ipversion {
80 };
84 struct pseudohdr {
86  uint32_t saddr;
88  uint32_t daddr;
90  uint8_t zero;
92  uint8_t proto;
94  uint16_t len;
95 };
97 #ifndef __WIN32
101 extern void ipv4tcpchecksum(uint8_t *pkt) {
102  struct iphdr *ip = (struct iphdr *)pkt;
103  struct tcphdr *tcp = (struct tcphdr *)(pkt + (4 * ip->ihl));
104  uint16_t plen, csum;
105  struct pseudohdr phdr;
107  /* get tcp packet len*/
108  plen = ntohs(ip->tot_len) - (4 * ip->ihl);
109  tcp->check = 0;
110  phdr.saddr = ip->saddr;
111  phdr.daddr = ip->daddr;
112  phdr.zero = 0;
113  phdr.proto = ip->protocol;
114  phdr.len = htons(plen);
115  csum = checksum(&phdr, sizeof(phdr));
116  tcp->check = checksum_add(csum, tcp, plen);
117 }
122 extern void ipv4udpchecksum(uint8_t *pkt) {
123  struct iphdr *ip = (struct iphdr *)pkt;
124  struct udphdr *udp = (struct udphdr *)(pkt + (4 * ip->ihl));
125  uint16_t csum, plen;
126  struct pseudohdr phdr;
128  /* get tcp packet len*/
129  plen = ntohs(ip->tot_len) - (4 * ip->ihl);
130  udp->check = 0;
131  phdr.saddr = ip->saddr;
132  phdr.daddr = ip->daddr;
133  phdr.zero = 0;
134  phdr.proto = ip->protocol;
135  phdr.len = htons(plen);
136  csum = checksum(&phdr, sizeof(phdr));
137  udp->check = checksum_add(csum, udp, plen);
138 }
143 extern void ipv4icmpchecksum(uint8_t *pkt) {
144  struct iphdr *ip = (struct iphdr *)pkt;
145  struct icmphdr *icmp = (struct icmphdr *)(pkt + (4 * ip->ihl));
147  icmp->checksum = 0;
148  icmp->checksum = checksum(icmp, ntohs(ip->tot_len) - (ip->ihl *4));
149 }
154 extern void ipv4checksum(uint8_t *pkt) {
155  struct iphdr *ip = (struct iphdr *)pkt;
157  ip->check = 0;
158  ip->check = checksum(ip, (4 * ip->ihl));
159 }
165 extern int packetchecksumv4(uint8_t *pkt) {
166  struct iphdr *ip = (struct iphdr *)pkt;
168  ipv4checksum(pkt);
170  switch(ip->protocol) {
171  case IPPROTO_ICMP:
172  ipv4icmpchecksum(pkt);
173  break;
174  case IPPROTO_TCP:
175  ipv4tcpchecksum(pkt);
176  break;
177  case IPPROTO_UDP:
178  ipv4udpchecksum(pkt);
179  break;
180  default:
181  return (-1);
182  }
183  return (0);
184 }
189 extern int packetchecksumv6(uint8_t *pkt) {
190  struct iphdr *ip = (struct iphdr *)pkt;
191  switch(ip->protocol) {
192  case IPPROTO_ICMP:
193  break;
194  case IPPROTO_TCP:
195  break;
196  case IPPROTO_UDP:
197  break;
198  default:
199  return (-1);
200  }
201  return (0);
202 }
208 extern int packetchecksum(uint8_t *pkt) {
209  struct iphdr *ip = (struct iphdr *)pkt;
211  switch(ip->version) {
212  case IP_PROTO_V4:
213  return (packetchecksumv4(pkt));
214  break;
215  case IP_PROTO_V6:
216  break;
217  }
218  return (-1);
219 }
220 #endif
228 extern const char *cidrtosn(int bitlen, char *buf, int size) {
229  uint32_t nm;
230  uint8_t *nmb = (uint8_t*)&nm;
232  if (!buf) {
233  return NULL;
234  }
236  if (bitlen) {
237  nm = ~((1 << (32-bitlen))-1);
238  } else {
239  nm = 0;
240  }
242  snprintf(buf, size, "%i.%i.%i.%i", nmb[3], nmb[2], nmb[1], nmb[0]);
243  return buf;
244 }
254 extern const char *getnetaddr(const char *ipaddr, int cidr, char *buf, int size) {
255  uint32_t ip;
256  uint8_t *ipb = (uint8_t*)&ip;
258  if (!buf) {
259  return NULL;
260  }
262 #ifndef __WIN32
263  inet_pton(AF_INET, ipaddr, &ip);
264 #else
265  ip = inet_addr(ipaddr);
266 #endif
267  if (cidr) {
268  ip = ntohl(ip);
269  ip = ip & ~((1 << (32-cidr))-1);
270  } else {
271  ip = 0;
272  }
274  snprintf(buf, size, "%i.%i.%i.%i", ipb[3], ipb[2], ipb[1], ipb[0]);
275  return buf;
276 }
286 extern const char *getfirstaddr(const char *ipaddr, int cidr, char *buf, int size) {
287  uint32_t ip;
288  uint8_t *ipb = (uint8_t*)&ip;
290  if (!buf) {
291  return NULL;
292  }
294 #ifndef __WIN32
295  inet_pton(AF_INET, ipaddr, &ip);
296 #else
297  ip = inet_addr(ipaddr);
298 #endif
299  if (cidr) {
300  ip = ntohl(ip);
301  ip = ip & ~((1 << (32-cidr))-1);
302  ip++;
303  } else {
304  ip = 1;
305  }
307  snprintf(buf, size, "%i.%i.%i.%i", ipb[3], ipb[2], ipb[1], ipb[0]);
308  return buf;
309 }
319 extern const char *getbcaddr(const char *ipaddr, int cidr, char *buf, int size) {
320  uint32_t ip, mask;
321  uint8_t *ipb = (uint8_t*)&ip;
323 #ifndef __WIN32
324  inet_pton(AF_INET, ipaddr, &ip);
325 #else
326  ip = inet_addr(ipaddr);
327 #endif
328  if (cidr) {
329  mask = (1 << (32-cidr))-1;
330  ip = ntohl(ip);
331  ip = (ip & ~mask) | mask;
332  } else {
333  ip = 0;
334  }
335  snprintf(buf, size, "%i.%i.%i.%i", ipb[3], ipb[2], ipb[1], ipb[0]);
336  return buf;
337 }
347 extern const char *getlastaddr(const char *ipaddr, int cidr, char *buf, int size) {
348  uint32_t ip, mask;
349  uint8_t *ipb = (uint8_t*)&ip;
351 #ifndef __WIN32
352  inet_pton(AF_INET, ipaddr, &ip);
353 #else
354  ip = inet_addr(ipaddr);
355 #endif
356  if (cidr) {
357  mask = (1 << (32-cidr))-1;
358  ip = ntohl(ip);
359  ip = (ip & ~mask) | mask;
360  ip--;
361  } else {
362  ip = 0;
363  }
364  snprintf(buf, size, "%i.%i.%i.%i", ipb[3], ipb[2], ipb[1], ipb[0]);
365  return buf;
366 }
372 extern uint32_t cidrcnt(int bitlen) {
373  if (bitlen) {
374  return pow(2, (32-bitlen));
375  } else {
376  return 0xFFFFFFFF;
377  }
378 }
384 extern int reservedip(const char *ipaddr) {
385  uint32_t ip;
387 #ifndef __WIN32
388  inet_pton(PF_INET, ipaddr, &ip);
389 #else
390  ip = inet_addr(ipaddr);
391 #endif
393  ip = ntohl(ip);
395  if (!((0xe0000000 ^ ip) >> 28)) { /* 224/4*/
396  return 1;
397  } else if (!((0x00000000 ^ ip) >> 24)) { /* 0/8 */
398  return 1;
399  } else if (!((0x0a000000 ^ ip) >> 24)) { /* 10/8 */
400  return 1;
401  } else if (!((0x7f000000 ^ ip) >> 24)) { /* 127/8 */
402  return 1;
403  } else if (!((0x64400000 ^ ip) >> 22)) { /* 100.64/10 */
404  return 1;
405  } else if (!((0xac100000 ^ ip) >> 20)) { /* 172.16/12 */
406  return 1;
407  } else if (!((0xc6120000 ^ ip) >> 17)) { /* 198.18/15 */
408  return 1;
409  } else if (!((0xc0a80000 ^ ip) >> 16)) { /* 192.168/16 */
410  return 1;
411  } else if (!((0xa9fe0000 ^ ip) >> 16)) { /* 169.254/16 */
412  return 1;
413  } else if (!((0xc0000200 ^ ip) >> 8)) { /* 192.0.2/24 */
414  return 1;
415  } else if (!((0xc6336400 ^ ip) >> 8)) { /* 198.51.100/24 */
416  return 1;
417  } else if (!((0xcb007100 ^ ip) >> 8)) { /* 203.0.113/24 */
418  return 1;
419  }
420  return 0;
421 }
427 extern char* ipv6to4prefix(const char *ipaddr) {
428  uint32_t ip;
429  uint8_t *ipa;
430  char *pre6;
432 #ifndef __WIN32
433  if (!inet_pton(AF_INET, ipaddr, &ip)) {
434  return NULL;
435  }
436 #else
437  if (!(ip = inet_addr(ipaddr))) {
438  return NULL;
439  }
440 #endif
442  pre6 = malloc(10);
443  ipa=(uint8_t*)&ip;
444  snprintf(pre6, 10, "%02x%02x:%02x%02x", ipa[0], ipa[1], ipa[2], ipa[3]);
445  return pre6;
446 }
456 extern int check_ipv4(const char* ip, int cidr, const char *test) {
457  uint32_t ip1, ip2;
459 #ifndef __WIN32
460  inet_pton(AF_INET, ip, &ip1);
461  inet_pton(AF_INET, test, &ip2);
462 #else
463  ip1 = inet_addr(ip);
464  ip2 = inet_addr(test);
465 #endif
467  ip1 = ntohl(ip1) >> (32-cidr);
468  ip2 = ntohl(ip2) >> (32-cidr);
470  if (!(ip1 ^ ip2)) {
471  return 1;
472  } else {
473  return 0;
474  }
475 }
480 void mcast6_ip(struct in6_addr *addr) {
481  int mip, rand;
482  uint32_t *i;
484 #ifndef __WIN32
485  i = (uint32_t*)&addr->s6_addr32;
486 #else
487  i = (uint32_t*)&addr->u.Word;
488 #endif
489  i[0] = htonl(0xFF350000);
490  i[1] = 0;
491  i[2] = 0;
492  i[3] = 1 << 31;
494  do {
495  rand = genrand(&mip, 4);
496  } while (!rand);
498  i[3] = htonl(i[3] | mip);
499 }
504 void mcast4_ip(struct in_addr *addr) {
505  uint32_t mip, rand;
507  do {
508  rand = genrand(&mip, 3);
509  mip >>= 8;
510  } while (!rand || !(mip >> 8));
511  mip |= 232 << 24;
513  addr->s_addr = htonl(mip);
514 }
523 int inet_lookup(int family, const char *host, void *addr, socklen_t len) {
524  struct addrinfo hint, *result, *ainfo;
525  int ret = 0;
527  memset(&hint, 0, sizeof(hint));
528  hint.ai_family = family;
530  if (getaddrinfo(host, NULL, &hint, &result) || !result) {
531  return ret;
532  }
534  for(ainfo = result; ainfo; ainfo = ainfo->ai_next) {
535  switch(ainfo->ai_family) {
536  case PF_INET:
537  if (len >= sizeof(struct in_addr)) {
538  struct sockaddr_in *sa4 = (struct sockaddr_in*)ainfo->ai_addr;
539  memcpy(addr, &sa4->sin_addr, len);
540  ret = 1;
541  }
542  break;
543  case PF_INET6:
544  if (len >= sizeof(struct in6_addr)) {
545  struct sockaddr_in6 *sa6 = (struct sockaddr_in6*)ainfo->ai_addr;
546  memcpy(addr, &sa6->sin6_addr, len);
547  ret = 1;
548  }
549  break;
550  }
551  if (ret) {
552  break;
553  }
554  }
555  freeaddrinfo(result);
556  return ret;
557 }
uint16_t len
Packet length.
Definition: iputil.c:94
uint16_t checksum(const void *data, int len)
Obtain the checksum for a buffer.
Definition: util.c:452
void ipv4tcpchecksum(uint8_t *pkt)
Update the TCP checksum of a IPv4 packet.
Definition: iputil.c:101
void mcast6_ip(struct in6_addr *addr)
Randomally assign a SSM Multicast address.param addr Ip address structure to fill out...
Definition: iputil.c:480
int inet_lookup(int family, const char *host, void *addr, socklen_t len)
Perform DNS lookup on a host/ip retun the IP address.
Definition: iputil.c:523
const char * getbcaddr(const char *ipaddr, int cidr, char *buf, int size)
Return broadcast address.
Definition: iputil.c:319
const char * cidrtosn(int bitlen, char *buf, int size)
Return the dotted quad notation subnet mask from a CIDR.
Definition: iputil.c:228
int packetchecksum(uint8_t *pkt)
Generic IPv4 and IPv6 Checksum.
Definition: iputil.c:208
uint32_t daddr
Destination address.
Definition: iputil.c:88
IP Protocol numbers.
Definition: iputil.c:77
uint16_t checksum_add(const uint16_t checksum, const void *data, int len)
Obtain the checksum for a buffer adding a checksum.
Definition: util.c:463
void ipv4checksum(uint8_t *pkt)
Set the checksup of a IPv4 Packet.
Definition: iputil.c:154
int checkipv6mask(const char *ipaddr, const char *network, uint8_t bits)
Check if ipaddr is in a network.
Definition: iputil.c:47
void ipv4icmpchecksum(uint8_t *pkt)
Set the checksup of a IPv4 ICMP packet.
Definition: iputil.c:143
DTS Application library API Include file.
int packetchecksumv6(uint8_t *pkt)
Prototype to check checksup on packet.
Definition: iputil.c:189
uint8_t proto
Definition: iputil.c:92
int reservedip(const char *ipaddr)
Check IP against list of reserved IP&#39;s.
Definition: iputil.c:384
int genrand(void *buf, int len)
Generate random sequence.
Definition: util.c:82
uint32_t saddr
Source address.
Definition: iputil.c:86
void ipv4udpchecksum(uint8_t *pkt)
Update the UDP checksum of a IPv4 packet.
Definition: iputil.c:122
const char * getnetaddr(const char *ipaddr, int cidr, char *buf, int size)
Return the network address.
Definition: iputil.c:254
uint32_t cidrcnt(int bitlen)
Return the number of IP addresses in a given bitmask.
Definition: iputil.c:372
void mcast4_ip(struct in_addr *addr)
Randomally assign a SSM Multicast address.
Definition: iputil.c:504
IPv4 header structur to cast a packet too.
Definition: iputil.c:84
int packetchecksumv4(uint8_t *pkt)
Update the checksum of a IPv4 packet.
Definition: iputil.c:165
int check_ipv4(const char *ip, int cidr, const char *test)
Check if a IP address is in a network.
Definition: iputil.c:456
char * ipv6to4prefix(const char *ipaddr)
Return IPv6 to IPv4 Prefix fot the address.
Definition: iputil.c:427
const char * getfirstaddr(const char *ipaddr, int cidr, char *buf, int size)
Get the first usable address.
Definition: iputil.c:286
const char * getlastaddr(const char *ipaddr, int cidr, char *buf, int size)
Get the last usable address.
Definition: iputil.c:347
uint8_t zero
Zero byte.
Definition: iputil.c:90