DTS Application Library  0.2.3
Application library containing referenced objects and interfaces to common libraries
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7 #include <stdint.h>
8 #ifdef __WIN32__
9 #include <winsock2.h>
10 #include <windows.h>
11 #endif
12 #include <string.h>
14 #include <libxslt/xsltutils.h>
15 #include <libxslt/transform.h>
17 #include "include/dtsapp.h"
18 #include "include/priv_xml.h"
21 struct xslt_doc {
23  xsltStylesheetPtr doc;
26 };
29 struct xslt_param {
31  const char *name;
33  const char *value;
34 };
36 static void *xslt_has_init_parser = NULL;
38 static void free_xsltdoc(void *data) {
39  struct xslt_doc *xsltdoc = data;
41  xsltFreeStylesheet(xsltdoc->doc);
42  objunref(xsltdoc->params);
43  xslt_close();
44 }
46 static void free_parser(void *data) {
47  xsltCleanupGlobals();
48  xmlCleanupParser();
49 }
51 static int32_t xslt_hash(const void *data, int key) {
52  int ret;
53  const struct xslt_param *xp = data;
54  const char *hashkey = (key) ? data : xp->name;
56  if (hashkey) {
57  ret = jenhash(hashkey, strlen(hashkey), 0);
58  } else {
59  ret = jenhash(xp, sizeof(xp), 0);
60  }
61  return(ret);
62 }
67 extern struct xslt_doc *xslt_open(const char *xsltfile) {
68  struct xslt_doc *xsltdoc;
70  if (!(xsltdoc = objalloc(sizeof(*xsltdoc), free_xsltdoc))) {
71  return NULL;
72  }
73  xslt_init();
75  xsltdoc->doc = xsltParseStylesheetFile((const xmlChar *)xsltfile);
76  xsltdoc->params = create_bucketlist(0, xslt_hash);
77  return xsltdoc;
78 }
80 static void free_param(void *data) {
81  struct xslt_param *param = data;
82  if (param->name) {
83  free((void *)param->name);
84  }
85  if (param->value) {
86  free((void *)param->value);
87  }
88 }
94 extern void xslt_addparam(struct xslt_doc *xsltdoc, const char *param, const char *value) {
95  struct xslt_param *xparam;
96  int size;
98  if (!xsltdoc || !xsltdoc->params || !objref(xsltdoc) || !(xparam = objalloc(sizeof(*xparam), free_param))) {
99  return;
100  }
102  size = strlen(value) + 3;
103  ALLOC_CONST(xparam->name, param);
104  xparam->value = malloc(size);
105  snprintf((char *)xparam->value, size, "'%s'", value);
106  objlock(xsltdoc);
107  addtobucket(xsltdoc->params, xparam);
108  objunlock(xsltdoc);
109  objunref(xparam);
110  objunref(xsltdoc);
111 }
115 void xslt_clearparam(struct xslt_doc *xsltdoc) {
116  if (!xsltdoc || !xsltdoc->params) {
117  return;
118  }
120  objlock(xsltdoc);
121  objunref(xsltdoc->params);
122  xsltdoc->params = create_bucketlist(0, xslt_hash);
123  objunlock(xsltdoc);
124 }
126 /* grabs ref to xmldoc/xsltdoc and locks xsltdoc*/
127 static const char **xslt_params(struct xml_doc *xmldoc, struct xslt_doc *xsltdoc) {
128  const char **params = NULL;
129  struct xslt_param *xparam;
130  struct bucket_loop *bloop;
131  int cnt=0;
133  if (!objref(xmldoc)) {
134  return NULL;
135  }
137  if (!objref(xsltdoc)) {
138  objunref(xmldoc);
139  return NULL;
140  }
142  objlock(xsltdoc);
143  if (!(params = malloc(sizeof(void *) * (bucket_list_cnt(xsltdoc->params)*2 + 2)))) {
144  objunlock(xsltdoc);
145  objunref(xsltdoc);
146  objunref(xmldoc);
147  return NULL;
148  }
150  bloop = init_bucket_loop(xsltdoc->params);
151  while(bloop && (xparam = next_bucket_loop(bloop))) {
152  params[cnt] = xparam->name;
153  cnt++;
154  params[cnt] = xparam->value;
155  cnt++;
156  objunref(xparam);
157  };
158  params[cnt] = NULL;
159  return params;
160 }
167 extern void xslt_apply(struct xml_doc *xmldoc, struct xslt_doc *xsltdoc, const char *filename, int comp) {
168  const char **params = NULL;
169  xmlDocPtr res;
171  /* ref's xml/xslt locks xslt IF set*/
172  if (!(params = xslt_params(xmldoc, xsltdoc))) {
173  return;
174  }
176 #ifndef __WIN32__
177  touch(filename, 80, 80);
178 #else
179  touch(filename);
180 #endif
181  objlock(xmldoc);
182  res = xsltApplyStylesheet(xsltdoc->doc, xmldoc->doc, params);
183  xsltSaveResultToFilename(filename, res, xsltdoc->doc, comp);
184  objunlock(xmldoc);
185  objunref(xmldoc);
186  objunlock(xsltdoc);
188  free(params);
189  xmlFreeDoc(res);
190  xslt_clearparam(xsltdoc);
191  objunref(xsltdoc);
192 }
198 extern void *xslt_apply_buffer(struct xml_doc *xmldoc, struct xslt_doc *xsltdoc) {
199  struct xml_buffer *xmlbuf;
200  const char **params;
201  xmlDocPtr res;
203  if (!(xmlbuf = objalloc(sizeof(*xmlbuf),xml_free_buffer))) {
204  return NULL;
205  }
207  if (!(params = xslt_params(xmldoc, xsltdoc))) {
208  objunref(xmlbuf);
209  return NULL;
210  }
212  objlock(xmldoc);
213  res = xsltApplyStylesheet(xsltdoc->doc, xmldoc->doc, params);
214  xsltSaveResultToString(&xmlbuf->buffer, &xmlbuf->size, res, xsltdoc->doc);
215  objunlock(xmldoc);
216  objunref(xmldoc);
217  objunlock(xsltdoc);
219  free(params);
220  xmlFreeDoc(res);
221  xslt_clearparam(xsltdoc);
222  objunref(xsltdoc);
224  return xmlbuf;
225 }
230 extern void xslt_init() {
231  if (!xslt_has_init_parser) {
232  xslt_has_init_parser=objalloc(0, free_parser);
233  } else {
234  objref(xslt_has_init_parser);
235  }
236 }
241 extern void xslt_close() {
242  if (xslt_has_init_parser) {
243  objunref(xslt_has_init_parser);
244  }
245 }
struct xslt_doc * xslt_open(const char *xsltfile)
Open a XSLT file returning reference to it.
Definition: libxslt.c:67
Bucket iterator.
Definition: refobj.c:97
void xslt_clearparam(struct xslt_doc *xsltdoc)
Delete all parameters of a XSLT document.
Definition: libxslt.c:115
void * create_bucketlist(int bitmask, blisthash hash_function)
Definition: refobj.c:356
int objref(void *data)
Reference a object.
Definition: refobj.c:153
struct xml_doc xml_doc
Forward decleration of structure.
Definition: dtsapp.h:631
int objlock(void *data)
Lock the reference.
Definition: refobj.c:269
const char * value
value of paramater.
Definition: libxslt.c:33
void * xslt_apply_buffer(struct xml_doc *xmldoc, struct xslt_doc *xsltdoc)
Apply XSLT document to a XML document returning result in buffer.
Definition: libxslt.c:198
void * objalloc(int size, objdestroy)
Allocate a referenced lockable object.
Definition: refobj.c:129
void xml_free_buffer(void *data)
Reference destructor for xml_buffer.
Definition: libxml2.c:46
int bucket_list_cnt(struct bucket_list *blist)
Return number of items in the list.
Definition: refobj.c:552
void * next_bucket_loop(struct bucket_loop *bloop)
Return a reference to the next item in the list this could be the first item.
Definition: refobj.c:662
void xslt_init()
Reference the XSLT parser.
Definition: libxslt.c:230
DTS Application library API Include file.
const char * name
Name of paramater.
Definition: libxslt.c:31
void xslt_close()
Release reference to XSLT parser.
Definition: libxslt.c:241
void touch(const char *filename, uid_t user, gid_t group)
Create a file and set user and group.
Definition: util.c:484
int objunlock(void *data)
Unlock a reference.
Definition: refobj.c:301
void xslt_addparam(struct xslt_doc *xsltdoc, const char *param, const char *value)
Add a parameter to the XSLT document.
Definition: libxslt.c:94
xsltStylesheetPtr doc
Pointer to the document.
Definition: libxslt.c:23
#define jenhash(key, length, initval)
Define jenhash as hashlittle on big endian it should be hashbig.
Definition: dtsapp.h:914
#define ALLOC_CONST(const_var, val)
Macro to assign values to char const.
Definition: dtsapp.h:959
int addtobucket(struct bucket_list *blist, void *data)
Add a reference to the bucketlist.
Definition: refobj.c:428
XSLT Parameter name/value pair.
Definition: libxslt.c:29
int objunref(void *data)
Drop reference held.
Definition: refobj.c:184
XSLT Document.
Definition: libxslt.c:21
struct bucket_loop * init_bucket_loop(struct bucket_list *blist)
Create a bucket list iterator to safely iterate the list.
Definition: refobj.c:640
struct bucket_list * params
Bucket list of paramaters to apply to the document.
Definition: libxslt.c:25
Bucket list, hold hashed objects in buckets.
Definition: refobj.c:75
void xslt_apply(struct xml_doc *xmldoc, struct xslt_doc *xsltdoc, const char *filename, int comp)
Apply XSLT document to a XML document.
Definition: libxslt.c:167