DTS Application Library  0.2.3
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File utility functions

Convinece wrappers arround stat. More...


file  fileutil.c
 File utilities to test files (fstat)


int is_file (const char *path)
 Determine if a file exists. More...
int is_dir (const char *path)
 Determine if a path is a directory. More...
int is_exec (const char *path)
 Determine if a file is executable. More...
int mk_dir (const char *dir, mode_t mode, uid_t user, gid_t group)
 Create a directory. More...

Detailed Description

Convinece wrappers arround stat.

Function Documentation

int is_dir ( const char *  path)

Determine if a path is a directory.

pathPath of directory to check.
1 if the path exists and is a directory 0 othewise.

Definition at line 55 of file fileutil.c.

55  {
56  struct stat sr;
57  if (!stat(path, &sr) && S_ISDIR(sr.st_mode)) {
58  return 1;
59  } else {
60  return 0;
61  }
62 }
int is_exec ( const char *  path)

Determine if a file is executable.

pathPath of file to check.
1 if the path exists and is executable 0 othewise.

Definition at line 67 of file fileutil.c.

67  {
68  struct stat sr;
69  if (!stat(path, &sr) && (S_IXUSR & sr.st_mode)) {
70  return 1;
71  } else {
72  return 0;
73  }
74 }
int is_file ( const char *  path)

Determine if a file exists.

1 if the file exists 0 othewise.

Definition at line 43 of file fileutil.c.

43  {
44  struct stat sr;
45  if (!stat(path, &sr)) {
46  return 1;
47  } else {
48  return 0;
49  }
50 }
int mk_dir ( const char *  dir,
mode_t  mode,
uid_t  user,
gid_t  group 

Create a directory.

On *NIX systems a mode, uid and gid can be used to set initial permisions.

dirDirectory to create.
modeInitial mode to set.
userInitial UID.
groupInitial GID.
non 0 on success on failure the directory may be created but no ownership not set.

Definition at line 87 of file fileutil.c.

87  {
88 #endif
89  struct stat sr;
91 #ifdef __WIN32
92  if ((stat(dir, &sr) && (errno == ENOENT)) && !mkdir(dir)) {
93 #else
94  if ((stat(dir, &sr) && (errno == ENOENT)) && !mkdir(dir, mode) && !chown(dir, user, group)) {
95 #endif
96  return 0;
97  }
98  return -1;
99 }