DTS Application Library  0.2.3
Application library containing referenced objects and interfaces to common libraries
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Todo List
Global daemonize ()
WIN32 options is there a alternative for this.
Global framework_mkcore (char *progname, char *name, char *email, char *web, int year, char *runfile, int flags, syssighandler sigfunc)
does threads actually work in windows with no sighandler.
Global get_ifipaddr (const char *iface, int family)
WIN32 Support
Global get_ip6_addrprefix (const char *iface, unsigned char *prefix)
WIN32 support
Group LIB-OBJ-Bucket
Dont hash the memory supply a key perhaps a key array type.
Global mcast_socket (const char *iface, int family, const char *mcastip, const char *port, int flags)
Win32 support for inet_ntop/inet_pton
Global seedrand (void)
This wont work on WIN32
Global socketwrite_d (struct fwsocket *sock, const void *buf, int num, union sockstruct *addr)
implement send/sendto in WIN32
Global ssl_shutdown (void *data, int sock)
Make sure this is only called when the thread has stoped selecting here may be wrong.
Global touch (const char *filename, uid_t user, gid_t group)
WIN32 does not use uid/gid and move to file utils module.
Global xml_getfirstnode (struct xml_search *xpsearch, void **iter)
Thread safety when XML doc changes.
Global zuncompress (struct zobj *buff, uint8_t *obuff)
Implement this without needing original buff len using inflate