DTS Application Library  0.2.3
Application library containing referenced objects and interfaces to common libraries
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Application Startup

Using helper macro instead of main()

This library includes functions to simplify startup.

  • printgnu() Displays a standard message on the console at startup.
  • daemonize() Forks and exits the process to run it in the background.
  • lockpidfile() Creates a file that contains the pid and locks it.
  • seedrand() Seed the random number generator.
  • sslstartup() Start open ssl.
  • Install a default signal handler and use a callback to handle signals (Not supported on WIN32).

These are all wrapped up in a macro FRAMEWORK_MAIN() that replaces main(). This is done by implementing main creating a callback initialising the services and calling the callback

FRAMEWORK_MAIN("Socket Client/Server Echo (TCP/TLS/UDP/DTLS)", "Gregory Hinton Nietsky", "gregory@distrotech.co.za",
"http://www.distrotech.co.za", 2013, "/var/run/sockettest", FRAMEWORK_FLAG_DAEMONLOCK, NULL) {
if (argc < 3) {
#ifndef __WIN32
printf("Requires arguments %s [tcp|tls|udp|dtls|unix_d|unix_s] [ipaddr|socket]\n", argv[0]);
printf("Requires arguments %s [tcp|tls|udp|dtls] ipaddr\n", argv[0]);
return (-1);

As you can see this macro has replaced main() you have access to the arg count and arg list as usual via argc / argv.

Various flags control the behaviour in this case daemonize was run after the args have been checked.

See Also
memory allocated by framework_mkcore() is only released by framework_init() always call framework_mkcore() first and always call framework_init() when calling framework_mkcore().