DTS Application Library  0.2.3
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Hashing and digest functions

MD5/SHA1/SHA2(256/512) Hashing checking and HMAC Functions. More...


 MD5 Hashing and digest functions
 MD5 Hashing checking and HMAC Functions.
 SHA1 Hashing and digest functions
 SHA1 Hashing checking and HMAC Functions.
 SHA2-256Hashing and digest functions
 SHA2-256 Hashing checking and HMAC Functions.
 SHA2-512 Hashing and digest functions
 SHA2-512 Hashing checking and HMAC Functions.


file  util.c
 Utilities commonly used.

Detailed Description

MD5/SHA1/SHA2(256/512) Hashing checking and HMAC Functions.

 * Acknowledgments [MD5 HMAC http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2104.txt]
 *      Pau-Chen Cheng, Jeff Kraemer, and Michael Oehler, have provided
 *      useful comments on early drafts, and ran the first interoperability
 *      tests of this specification. Jeff and Pau-Chen kindly provided the
 *      sample code and test vectors that appear in the appendix.  Burt
 *      Kaliski, Bart Preneel, Matt Robshaw, Adi Shamir, and Paul van
 *      Oorschot have provided useful comments and suggestions during the
 *      investigation of the HMAC construction.