DTS Application Library  0.2.3
Application library containing referenced objects and interfaces to common libraries
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Distrotech Application Library Manual


This library has grown over time to include various interfaces as i have required them or have experimented with them and added them.

The core functionality are the referenced lockable data structures that i reimplemented for my own experimentation to understand how and why they were used in the asterisk project.

There is now a partner to this lib to support GUI applications using the wxWidgets library.

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PDF Version of documentation

Further information

Please see the following links before diving into the modules.

Application Startup
Referenced Lockable Objects
Hashed Bucket Lists
Thread Interface
Socket Interface
Todo List

Copyright information.

Gregory Nietsky [Distrotech Solutions] <grego.nosp@m.ry@d.nosp@m.istro.nosp@m.tech.nosp@m..co.z.nosp@m.a>